What are Worthwhile Investments Besides Real Estate?

Real estate investment is a good choice of investment, as it is a great source of passive income. Likewise, it is not just all about the money that you can put into this venture.  Based on my own experience, it is important to have the right tools, materials and people. 

I’m here to share my experiences as an entrepreneur and multifamily property investor. I’m not perfect by any means I still make plenty of mistakes and failures, but I take as learning lesson as I go through my journey in real estate investment. 

Investing Knowledge in Books

It says that the average CEO reads one book per week. I believe that this is a very effective way not just for self-improvement but gaining the right knowledge you need. You have to be the best version of yourself every day.

I highly recommend the book Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook by Gary Vaynechuk. It is an effective tool that has helped me learn the best marketing practices and approaches that can be used and applied. 10x by Grant Cardone is another great book that has given me tons of useful information and growth. E-Myth by Micheal Gerber and The 4-Hour Work Week by Tim Ferris are interesting books as well that helped me to focus more on working on the business versus within it.

Investing in Personal Brands

Investing in personal brand is what exactly what I am doing right now. Doing streams or becoming more trusted in the industry like this can get investors, clients, customers etc. It is also my way of giving by sharing my experiences or providing tips.

One thing I truly enjoy is getting those messages and compliments from people who are happy and said I was able to help them improve in their business. I remember one quote that says “the secret of living is giving” by Tony Robbins, which inspires me to do this.

Personal branding is something I think is an incredible way to increase value in the marketplace to get more income from whatever services you are offering. What I have learned from building your brand, people do business with people they know and trust.

Aside from streaming, you can also focus on other ways that can promote you and your business such as video content on YouTube or Pay-Per-Click Ads on Facebook and Google. These are additional methods to tell people what you do.

Investing in Skills

Whether it is sales or marketing, using automation where possible is a good move. I believe that leveraging more in technology helps you get things done in just a short period to streamline the process instead of humans that may cause more on trial and error. One application that I highly recommended and a game-changer for me is Zapier.com. It acts as a bridge between multiple apps to automate several things. I am not affiliated with them on any means, but it has helped us do things easily.

You may also need to hire virtual assistants that can facilitate or help you do accomplish task or jobs. There are various websites that are valuable to help you find these talented people such as Opwork.com or Fiverr.com.  

Investing in Connections

Social media has become an incredible tool that you need to invest in. Networking using social media on platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn is a good way to make connections. Networking with other investors in other cities or within your market allows you to do great deals together.

Using your connections is an amazing thing that you can do to expand your horizons. Make sure to attend events and conferences to help you get the best strategies and tactics. 

In conclusion, the methods mentioned above for me are some of the most effective tools and methods that have helped me improve myself and my business.


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